Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Capturing the moments of #ProjectScouted in motion - Videographer, Tayla-Rae Coetzer

Tayla-Rae Coetzer, a film student at AFDA currently in her third year studying Directing and Scriptwriting, will be heading into the industry next year to pursue her dream of working as a director. As a couple, Tayla and Stefan Rust will be working together behind the scenes to create some of the #ProjectScouted videos that will capture the essence of what the Project is.

1.     What sparked your interest in videography?
I am interested in film generally and videography, also known as cinematography. Cinematography captures the image of the story and shows the audience the beauty within the story using moving pictures.

2.     What is the best part for you of the entire process of creating videos?
Capturing the unexpected is my favourite part of it all; the beauty that others may not see. I enjoy looking at images in a different way to other people, it takes time but that is where you find the right image.

3.     How did you hear about #ProjectScouted?
I have been following Lee's Projects for many years via Facebook. Some of my friends have also taken part in the Projects.

4.     What motivated you to become one of the videographers capturing #ProjectScouted?
I have always wanted to be a part of #ProjectScouted. Stefan has also pulled me closer into the world of videography and hopefully being a part of this Project will allow me to learn more.

5.     What are you looking forward to the most in the Project?
I am looking forward to meeting all the different people that
#ProjectScouted brings together, making new friends and possibly people to work with in the future.

6.     What has been your most memorable experience as a videographer?
My most memorable moment was not filming something but photographing it. Waking up at 3am in the morning and heading to the beach to capture the sunrise. I had tons of fun playing around with the settings to get just the right amount of light in to capture the rising of the sun.

7.     Would you advise someone who wants to be a videographer to get a qualification first or to learn on their own?
I would suggest a qualification because it is always best to have a Degree behind you. While studying you will learn things that you are unable to teach yourself. You also meet people that are interested in the same things that you are and make contacts for the future.

Stay in the loop by following the #ProjectScouted Instagram account as well as keeping active on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Even if you aren’t at a phase, there’s still a way for you to be a part of this amazing experience. The Project will officially kick off on 28 February 2015 with Phase One and the launch held at #Hashtag Social Restaurant and Bar on Windermere Road, which will also be filmed by Tayla. Remember that all shoots and events are open to the public at no cost!

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