Friday, November 8, 2013

Project Trinity - How it all works?

So, some of you have already entered. 
You don't know how this all works. 
You don't know what the prize is. 
You don't know what happens next... 

I thank you for the level of faith you have in Project Trinity.

What happens next? This gets posted today: Friday the 8th of November.
Entries close on Sunday the 10th of November.
You have just under 3 days left if you want to take part.

All people who meet requirements and submit their image will have their image uploaded to the Lee Folkard Photography Page on Facebook.
On Monday the 11th November the 3 photographers involved in Project Trinity will meet and go through all entrants.
A quick reminder about who these 3 are:

  • Lee Folkard - Yes, that is me. Found on twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, youtube, tumblr- just search @leefolkard. 
  • Samantha Duckworth - Blog:
  • Jerome Stoffels - Same deal; just search @jeromestoffels on instagram, facebook, twitter, tumblr. 
Okay back to the process. 
On the 11th we will evaluate, argue and debate - eventually deciding on a TOP 15! 
After getting a TOP 15. Each photographer will now get the chance to fight over who they would like on their "TEAM" 
If for example Samantha and Jerome both like PERSON A. We will call up PERSON A to ask them which photographer they would rather work with! 
Eventually we will each have 5 entrants each and these 15 will progress to PHASE 2. 

Official announcement on the TOP 15 will happen on Tuesday 12th November. 

Between the 12th and the 23rd November shooting will take. Dates will be decided by individual photographers. Themes and all details will be revealed once TOP 15 has been made public. 

I think that is enough for now... I will update this again closer to the relevant time. 

And the prize? I think you can wait a while longer to find out. 

Once again on behalf of all involved, I just want to thank you all for the support. 

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